Progress Can Be S-L-O-W!

Greetings from South Texas where the weather is getting somewhat better, closer to Fall, and away from 100 + degree weather.  I finished the 30 blocks for York Tuesday and have taken a few days to slow down and relax.   But had to ramp up a little so I can put borders around the 30 blocks.

I have finished 14 blocks finished!

I have 6 more blocks ready to put the borders on the Stars.  Today I realized that I will have to put a border on the quilt because without one a long arm quilter and I would have issues with just a 2 inch border!  I have already decided on the border color and have plenty of fabric!  I think it will really add to the quilt!

The other night I did strait hand quilting on Indian Summer, but did not get very far!  Will try again tonight!

Have a great week and hopefully by next week-end the quilt will be a flimsy!

19 Replies to “Progress Can Be S-L-O-W!”

  1. What a lovely project! I didn’t realise until this photo, for some reason, how small the blocks are! Thanks for your words on my post about my long-term applique project, Auntie Green’s Garden….it helped to give me a little push, xo


    1. Oh you need to finish Auntie! I understand the work involved but you will have a beautiful Heirloom to pass on to your family. The York Lodge took a lot of pushing. Still trying to get on top of my UFO’s before Jan 2019! Have a wonderful week-end.


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