Happy Memorial Day

Good morning all and I hope that you are having a wonderful Memorial Day Week-end and had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

I am now back in my Studio and starting to catch up.  My step-son was diagnosed with Terminal cancer on his 50th birthday – 22 April 2014 – and our lives have changed forever.  I have been working the paperwork shuffle for him and making sure he gets the best care he can with the best doctors in San Antonio.  That has been accomplished and he is getting ready for his first Chemo.  He is doing as well as to be expected in such a horrific diagnoses.  We had a great Mother’s Day with my step-son and daughter and Clay’s nephew.  It was a great day and we are trying to have as many good days with all as we can.  Darryl has a personality that is very unique.  He has a wonderful wit and is so hilarious when you get him going!  He has a good heart.  He and I have things in common because we are both such A Type personalities,  just too inquisitive. and have that tendency to be “obsessive” about things.  We laugh about the fact that when we were kids we drove our parents nuts with our over active minds going all the time!  I know I did!

For now I am back in the Studio and starting to catch up on my projects.  I am finding that in working with the reproduction fabrics it takes time to select fabric.  I love working with them and it is such a challenge.  I also love my batiks and will be starting on Rosemary Youngs new BOM at her site rosemaryyoungs.blogspot.com.  I am going to do this project in batiks.  (I hear them calling me – they have been ignored lately  LOL)

I have had some time to wash some new reproduction fat quarters and half-yards I had ordered – they are now ironed and folded and ready for use!  Glad to get that finished – just have my fat quarter package of Barbara Brackman’s Ladie’s Album fabrics to do and that can wait!

Our weather has been overcast and Friday we did get some rain.  I hope that we have a rainy week.  It would be wonderful for the drought. Yesterday I worked on a block from the Austen Family BOW and hopefully I will be posting some pictures soon.

Until then,  have a blessed day.



Starting From Behind

As I always do, I start my years off with a positive attitude, hoping that each year in Retirement (and when I worked) would be a positive and productive year.  Some years have gone so smoothly, some have been absolutely nightmares.  This year started off mostly quiet and my quilting goals were set in place.  But as we sometimes forget, we are just not in control of our lives.  This year is one of those years.  I have missed blogging and keeping up with all my BOMs and BOW, but in April we began a journey that I wish no one had to go on.  The outcome will not be as we wish but we will enjoy all the positive time we can have with our loved one who has been diagnosed with cancer.   The initial shock of being told that a loved one has cancer is still with the family.   The new health care allowed the family member to obtain insurance, but the experience I had with the Marketplace and Humana HMOx for the last month has been absolutely HORRIFIC and it my belief that the ACA will financially break this country within a year.   But our family is surviving and grateful for the coverage that he was able to purchase early in the year.   We will cherish all the moments that we will have with our family member during this time.   For a time, we will now return to some normalcy and that is needed for all concerned.

I hope all had a wonderful Mother’s Day Sunday.  My two-step boys (BOYS? – why do we still call them kids and boys?) who always keep in touch with me called, and my other step children came over and brought me a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers. Hubby gave me the most beautiful Azalea plant and as always, a beautiful Mother’s Day Card.  We had a great day and laughed and cried but such a blessing to have this day.  It was one of the best Mother’s Day I have ever had.  I felt so special.  Thank you kids!

Today I will begin to organize my projects, and try to pick up where I left off at 12:32 PM on Tuesday 22 April 2014. On Sunday morning I did have one block from Globetrotting completed – WOW Caught up with that BOM project!  Today I need to  review Austen Family Quilt BOW as I think I may have missed downloading one of the blocks – (more re-organizing).   Next will be Threads of Memory and I want to start Pam Buda’s little projects.  Of course, my poor Di Ford project and Lucy Boston have totally be ignored.  I think the next Quiltmania is in the mail.  It would be great if I can get caught up and be ready to start working on that one.  And the BAS project?????  It is still a WIP – (work in progress) and hoping to be able to finish it and meet my obligation on that project.

Hoping to post again tomorrow with some pictures and progress.  Have a Blessed Day and enjoy quilting!

Life and Quilting

The weather here in South Texas has been great – I have not had time to really enjoy it, but it is cooler.  It looks like a hot and dry summer coming down the road!  Darn!

I am now behind in my projects again, but I am needed elsewhere.  A lot of paperwork to be done when someone in the family is sick.

I am hoping to have things in order soon for the family and will have time to work on my projects.  We never know why we go down certain roads  in life or even when working on our projects.  I am so glad I have a lot of hand projects on-going.  I will not be entering any shows this year, maybe next year.  This is not the time.

For some reason I am involved in the BOMs, BOWs, Lucy Boston, Di Ford quilts, etc.  So this will make it easier for me to work on quick short monthly/weekly projects.  I am hoping to have some progress and posts during the week-end.

For the meantime, I am now going to use Marti Michell’s templates.  She has a sign up sometime this month for those who want to do the Farmer’s daughter.  She lists the blocks and relates them to her templates.  So I am looking forward to that project.  Maybe I will get more done than I realize.  I am thankful that my health is so good this year.

Until later, have a blessed day.