To Do Tuesday – 7 July 2022 (2 Days Late!)

Greetings from the Desert! I finally will have to quit walking in the early mornings and switch to the Exercise Bike inside. It is just too hot and getting hotter. It was 109 on Wednesday afternoon at 4:13 PM and I have to remember that July and August are our hottest months. Maybe a hurricane will come our way and break this horrible heat wave. I started this morning (Thursday) and really am in better shape than last year. I think I will begin to enjoy exercising now with the A/C blowing on me.

On the positive note – I am finished with the Dentist (one more trip in early August) and I can call it done. The rest of July is open with not one appointment! Yippee!!!

This last week I have been working on the Wedding Ring Quilt and my Churn Dash blocks. I have enough of the rings for 6 blocks finished. And enough ready for sewing to make 4 more. I have not counted exactly how many more I need, or how many blocks I will be making I guess it depends on how bored I become with this project. All in all, things are coming along nicely in the Studio! Slow and Steady.

I have completed 8 of the 20 Churn Dash blocks for July. I really love making them.

Here is what I will be working on through next Tuesday!

Churn Dash and Rings Ready for Sewing!

Here is where I am on Boo’s and Bats:

Additionally I finished another block for Moda Holiday Stitch-A-Long:

I cannot leave this post without providing you with my thoughts on the Highland Park Domestic Terrorist killings that are happening in America. Here they are:

Highland Park along with Uvalde which is about 100 miles West of us, was caused by human failure. Sutherland Springs massacre is 6 miles from us on the East side it was caused by the Air Force error of not reporting the killer. This killer has mental problems and the Highland Park police were aware of him. The police turned over the information to the State Troopers about the 2019 knife incident when he was threatening to kill his family, but the family did not want to charge him. There were a lot of family problems that the police were aware of. But no charges by the family?

I did a deep dive into the family. The grandfather passed in 2018, the father ran for Mayor and lost in 2019, yet after the knife incident the Father signed for the killer to purchase 3 rifles and 2 guns. I read where the Mother is a nut and that the parents fought all the time and they would leave the kids to play ball and not pick them up.

This is a failure of parenting, along with people not “saying something”, and remember Illinois has the strictest gun laws in the Country, AND they have a Red Flag Law which went into effect on 1 January 2019. The Killer’s knife incident (16 knives confiscated) was in September 2019!

It takes a human to shoot a gun, so if we continue to allow these people to tattoo up, put crap on the internet, threaten to kill their own family and do nothing, then the killings will go on. Unfunding the police is not the way. I will say that the Highland Park police department ran toward the gun fire – not away from it like the ones in Uvalde who did nothing! 

NOW we have 19 children dead and 2 teachers in Uvalde, and the 8 that were killed and 37 injured in Highland Park. All attributed to bad parenting, human error, chicken police (Uvalde), failure of the AF to report the killer in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Add all this up and you get Domestic Terrorism. Remember a knife laying on the table and a gun laying on the table will not kill! It takes a human to pick one of them up and kill with them. 

With all the tight gun laws in Illinois this did not stop this killer.

I pray for the lost souls and all the family, friends, and loved ones that are left with the heartache. There is a 2 year old boy who now has no parents. I think that the town should sue the parents and put them in jail along with their killer son! 

Just keep praying to God for peace and tranquility in the time that our Country is sinking into the abyss! 

We are not going on any trips soon and will not go to big events – too many illegals down here in South Texas bringing in their killer drugs. Wonder why our Country has changed so drastically in the last 18 months? And I carry!

Hugs, Nanette – Stay Safe and enjoy your hobbies!

Linking To:  My Quilt InfatuationConfessions of a Fabric AddictFinished or Not Friday ; Em’s Scrap BagBOM’s Away;  Sew Fresh Quilts; Crazy Mom Quilts;  Oh ScrapScrap Happy SaturdaySlow Sunday Stitching  Quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers; Peacock PartyDesign Wall Monday, Scrap Happy DaysQuilting Patch Linky Party, To Do Tuesdays

17 Replies to “To Do Tuesday – 7 July 2022 (2 Days Late!)”

  1. Hi again! 109 degrees is beyond HOT. Yay to moving to the exercise bike. Whatever it takes to be able to meet your goal. Your wedding ring pieces is look fabulous. I’ve always wanted to make one but haven’t yet. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


  2. Yikes on the heat! I sure love your churn dash blocks and love seeing your wedding ring blocks. Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!
    The suspect’s parents who bought their kid a gun when he had a background of instability should be charged right along with the kid. I agree with you, guns don’t shoot themselves. The majority of gun owners are responsible citizens, but you can never convince the left of that.


  3. Oh you need to read what Roseanne sent me – that family all are nuts! The Mother and Father are drunks and fought all the time. Mother left the child in the car when he was 2 in 2002 for 27 minutes in 79 degree weather. I say lock all 3 of them up and throw away the keys.


  4. Both quilts are moving right along Nanette! I’m glad to hear that the exercise bike is working out better this year, and your dental work is nearly finished!


  5. Hi Nanette, love to see all your projects moving right along…you’ve got such a nice mixture there handwork and sewing machine. The way I like it too.
    It’s really beyond belief how some children are growing up…abysmal parenting. Society pays for it in the end.


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