To Do Tuesday – Weldon’s Quilt and Pillow Case

Greetings. I am still here, just been busy getting back in shape! Today I figured out why I am tired….. I missed the days in the Sun for my Vitamin D! I have been walking since 5 February and today I was able to make the 30 minutes at 22 minutes per mile! I think if I had been a good girl and got my Vitamin D I could make the 21 minutes sooner. So tomorrow I will see if I can get closer to the 20 minute mile! At my age, and after the crud, I am happy, along with the fact that I am down 7 pounds since October! I quit eating those great Cape Cod potato chips about a week ago – they were not agreeing with tummy. I am now just eating real potatoes cooked in my Ninja air fryer and sleeping like a baby each night! So hopefully with my “back to walking” routine, I can drop the remaining 6 pounds I would like to lose. Then I will be where I was a year ago. Stress can do so much to our minds and bodies!

OK now for quilting. I have 2 baby quilts to make, and just finished the first one today. This quilt is for Weldon, my friend Rachael’s grandson. I have adopted him as my Great God child since I will never have any grandchildren. He is going to be a true Texan, so I made his quilt with some outdoor fabric that I have had probably over 12 years. The setting and border fabric is a Moda fabric that looks just like leather tooling. I am very happy with this little guy’s quilt.

Then this afternoon, I decided to make a matching pillow case – and those who know me know I do not do anything but quilts. I looked YouTube and found Jenny from Missouri Star Quilts on YouTube! I made the pillow case in 40 minutes! It is going to be a great surprise gift for Rachel’s little Weldon. I would put his picture on this post, but if I ask permission now it will ruin the surprise quilt.

Weldon’s Quilt
Matching Pillow Case

As an update on the fabric for York Lodge I last posted about from SewBatiks. That did not go well. I did not receive it until Saturday and when I opened it I found the following on the fabric.

Ball Point Pen Mark

And this.

Yellow that ran through the fabric

It was returned on Monday. So on Saturday and Sunday I ordered batiks (not 115″ or 108″ wide) from Carly at WebFabrics. I started ordering from her in 2003 when I found her on line as she was just starting the business. I have never received any fabrics from her all these years with ANY flaws. I will now have to piece all the backings for the 9 quilts that my Long Arm quilter will be working. I have 3 days now to get 3 ready but my hope is that by Sunday evening I will have 9 backs ready to go when as she is ready for them. Monday is the day to take her the first 3. I hope she does not have an issue with the pieced backing. One quilt is 84″ x 99″. That one will be in the 2nd round of 3 as my fabrics from Carly will probably not make it until Monday. We shall see.

So this is my To Do Tuesday on Thursday again. With more Sun and increased Vitamin D, I think that I will be catching up quicker than I anticipated on my projects for the month. We shall see!

Have a wonderful week-end, enjoy the cold, warm, or hot weather! Happy Sewing.

Hugs, Nanette

Linking To:  My Quilt InfatuationConfessions of a Fabric AddictFinished or Not Friday ; Em’s Scrap BagBOM’s Away;  Sew Fresh Quilts; Crazy Mom Quilts;  Oh ScrapScrap Happy SaturdaySlow Sunday Stitching  Quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers; Peacock PartyDesign Wall Monday, Scrap Happy DaysQuilting Patch Linky Party To-Do-Tuesdays;PHD in 2021; 

20 Replies to “To Do Tuesday – Weldon’s Quilt and Pillow Case”

    1. Yup, pushing like heck, but getting there. Weldon is a ham with the camera and the dress him up in all types of outfits. I was going to make a ‘woodsy’ quilt long ago and never did. Glad I saved the fabric. Wait until you see the back…..Bears in the wood! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautiful work on that quilt and inspiring to make a matching pillowcase, Nanette. Good luck with all those backings now by Sunday. You are good to make such goals. And your walking sounds awesome. I’m a bit of a turtle sometimes though I do walk usually twice a day, once with my camera. We have Vitamin D gummies…have no idea if they are really the vitamin or not. Tony loves them and the drops; I take pills. Take care you two.


    1. I need a new body to meet my goal. I cleaned out the kitchen cabinets and gave a lot to my housecleaner, Georgia. She is a love. But that started at 6:30 AM and then I walked and finished by 10:00. I am trying to recoup……. we shall see if I wake up! LOL. I wish I could take the tablet, but too many preservatives. I did sit in the Sun at noon – felt so good, Clay fell asleep sitting there! LOL


    1. Check out the video from MSQ – Jenny – she made that one 11 years ago and it is so easy and fun. I never make pillowcases, purses, etc. especially not clothes, so I am very happy to have found this technique. Hugs

      Liked by 1 person

  2. He is a doll and I want to post pictures, but only after I finish the quilt and give it to Rachael, then I can ask permission to post the pictures. Yes it does happen, and I am awaiting my $$$$$ back. Hugs


  3. Nanette your quilt and pillowcase are sooooo cute! Love that fabric, and especially the boot fabric. The tooled look is just perfect. So sorry about your bad luck with the fabrics, what a pain. I love Web Fabrics too. Glad you are feeling so much better. Your walking pace is great! I thought of you yesterday when I sat out in the sun for about 15 minutes – it felt great. Good luck with the long-armer!
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday! 🙂


  4. That’s a great idea to make a matching pillow! I love this cute fabric, little boots are fun for a little boy.
    Too bad for the new fabrics, it’s was an unpleasant surprise.
    Thank you for sharing and linking up today 😉


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