Slow Sunday Stitching-31 October 2021

Good morning to all! It was a beautiful week this week. No drama, no problems, waking up with loads of energy and ready to walk. I have my 7 days of peace and quiet! Long time coming. I am back to my normal pattern of steps taken each day – 7500-11,000 and not running out of steam by 3PM.

It is hard to believe that on the last day of October, we have green grass and leaves on the trees. I do believe it was the 30 inches of rain we have had this year that has kept us with the greenery. NOAA has predicted that we may have a warmer than normal winter this year (doesn’t make me happy) but hopefully there will be rain to keep us out of the drought!

I have been working on my Bountiful LIfe border, adding the leaves. the spaces are where flowers will go. I am going to really start getting serious on this UFO so it will be finished by November.

A Bountiful Life Border

Today will not be slow stitching time until the Dallas Cowboy game tonight. I am back on track with my schedule of working on pieced quilts during the day in the Studio and hand work at night!

Today is my 77th birthday. I love having my birthday on Halloween because everyone celebrates my Birth Date! Clay surprised me with a Norfolk Island Pine tree for my birthday this year! I love these little trees so this was a great birthday present. I have missed our little trees that we lost during the Snow Storm in February. We are hesitant in purchasing a second Pine for the pot outside my Studio window because of the deer milling around eating the Acorns in this area. Clay had planted one of the Pines in the ground a year or two ago and after coming home from a mini vacation the deer had eaten the tree! Grrr!

Clay put up new flags this week.

And here is my saying for today. Sometimes this is just difficult to do, but the peace that comes with forgiveness is wonderful!

Have a Happy Halloween and a great week stitching and relaxing (if retired).

Hugs, Nanette

Linking To:  My Quilt InfatuationConfessions of a Fabric AddictFinished or Not Friday ; Em’s Scrap BagBOM’s Away;  Sew Fresh Quilts; Crazy Mom Quilts;  Oh ScrapScrap Happy SaturdaySlow Sunday Stitching  Quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers; Peacock PartyDesign Wall Monday, Scrap Happy DaysQuilting Patch Linky Party To-Do-Tuesdays;PHD in 2021; 

32 Replies to “Slow Sunday Stitching-31 October 2021”

  1. Happy Birthday! How thoughtful of your husband to get you a tree. I love your applique work. I don’t know that I could keep on a schedule, I have too many ideas and events that pop up and intervene in my sewing.


  2. LOVE your flags! The Norfolk pine is lovely…..a living Christmas decoration! I understand about the deer……we have them all around and other than lantana and salvia, I have to cage in the plant or bed….SO becoming!!!!!


    1. Always have to have a new Trump Flag when the old one gets faded. I love the Texas Flag that Clay put up! It was funny when we put the one that sits on a tree stump in a heavy metal pot, Clay put a Hotwire around it. After awhile, we took it down and if the snow had not come and the plant too heavy to move, we would still have it. Hugs


    1. Love those Cowboys – we thought they were going to lose and switched to Life, Liberty etc. Just as I went back to check it out the game was over. I quickly went to the recording and we watched the last 5 minutes! We were so happy. I did get about 5 leaves done. Hopefully tonight I will get more done. I am happy with it so far, just need to get the flower fabric picked out and ready to applique so there won’t be those holes on the vines. Hugs.


    1. How about those Cowboys!!!! Right at the last 2 minutes. Cooper Rush and family were so happy and Cooper who got the touchdown did great! So sorry to lose Prescott. Hope he is coming back next week! Clay always thinks of good things! Hugs.


  3. Happy Birthday Nanette! Halloween is also my nephew’s birthday, so it’s easy to remember. 😉 I’m so happy to hear things are back on track for you. I bet you liked the Cowboy game – nice birthday gift, huh?


    1. This is 3 people now that have the same birthday! Love those Cowboys when they come to a game to play and win! Great birthday gift!

      Yes, it is getting nice and slow here. Looking forward to our trip up North of you! Hugs


    1. Thank you so much – Now it there are 5 Halloween birth day people! Yea! It is the best time to have a Birthday! Thx on the border! I am liking it, but would have been easier if I did not have to put the border on first! oh well! Hugs


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