Checking Out of York Lodge!

It is a finish – I finished the border this afternoon on York Lodge.  This quilt was a monumental task and a great challenge for me.  There were good days and bad days, but in the end it has been worth it.  I hope everyone likes it as much as I do.

Here is another view of York Lodge.  It measures 83 x 99, a lot bigger than I expected.  But those Stars really float!


I am having one of the best weeks in many years – pays to quit eating carbs!  Have a great week-end!


30 Replies to “Checking Out of York Lodge!”

  1. Fantastic. It looks great. Love the purple border. Enjoy the weekend –You deserve it with this project completed. Nancy


  2. B E A U T I F U L !!!!! You finally finished the flimsy, wow, has this been a journey. This is a quilt to be proud of. Do you have any idea how you want it quilted? She’s lovely!


    1. Thank you Gretchen so very much and thank you for all the encouragement to go forward when I really wanted to change hobbies!!! LOL I have no idea, but I do not want the Stars quilted over and not heavily quilted. There is plenty of space around each star. Hugs


    1. It will be machine quilted – looking for a professional quilter who will not ruin it! Giving up the chocolate and chips helped and I am back in to walking each day with the cooler weather. Wish I could lose a little faster.


  3. Hi Nanette! YAY you! I love hearing that you are having a fabulous week. The no-carbs way of life is difficult to start with but once you reap all the benefits of no type 2 diabetes it will become much easier, I’m sure. Your York Lodge finished up just fabulously. I’ll bet it is much better than you even imagined. It’s gorgeous. ~smile~ Roseanne


  4. I have not missed them at all, wish I had more of a choice, but doing well with what I can tolerate! The other evening I had a few baby carrots with my chicken – no more thank you – I could tell immediately that I had had sugar and the next day I wanted more carbs. It is interesting as long as I snack on my cashews I do not crave anything! But eat a carrot and I want nothing but carbs! LOL Just not worth it.

    Yes the quilt turned out so pretty and it was worth all the frustration and hard work!
    Thank you for your sweet comment! Hugs


  5. Wow it looks beautiful! well done. We love seeing the quilts in different colours too. Your border choice is perfect. Thank you for making York Lodge. Can’t wait to see it quilted also.


    1. Thank you for reproducing the quilt and adding it to your Quiltmania Book! It was the most difficult of all the patterns! It will be custom quilted and entered in a quilt show next year! I am happy you like it. I used Hoffman 1895 Batiks with a few others mixed in! Thank you for the compliment!


  6. Beautiful!! Those colors and fabrics are awesome! I understand about the carbs! Gotta get back to no carbs, myself!! Thanks for the encouragement!


    1. Thank you so much. I tried to just eliminate all, but had to add the potatoes back in for potassium. But almost 10 pounds gone! I still want to lose another 10 or maybe 15, but I am sure it will take longer now. I feel so much better!


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