Moving Along and Time to Reflect the Past

Can you believe in 6 months it will be the end of 2017?  Once Daylight Savings Time comes that is it for the year – it just races by.   All the rain that has come this far South has missed us although we did get a few drops last night and rain is in the forecast the rest of the week.  Just maybe….

This  month did not go as I had planned it and it appears that June will be interesting.  One of my Unforeseen Requirements (UFRs) was a problem with my hands, on 12 June I will have CTS and release of a trigger thumb (yup like a trigger finger) that appeared about 3 weeks ago one morning.  So that has ended any ideas of entering quilts in the San Antonio Show this year!   They will repair the right hand and if successful he will do the left hand.    Looking like a “Surgery Summer” here.  Wednesday we find out how bad the meniscus tear is in Clay’s right knee.

I was unable to attend the Kerrville Quilt Show but Jan sent me pictures of the quilts.  I really missed a great show.  Here is a picture of the Best of Show, it is Sue Garman’s Twirley Balls and Pinwheels.  Sue passed away earlier this year and she has left a treasure trove of beautiful quilts for us to make!  The person who made this quilt did an excellent job and I am so glad that it won Best of Show!

To prepare for some limitations for a couple of weeks from surgery I washed some of the wonderful fabrics I purchased last year for my birthday to have them ready to select for different projects that I can work on after surgery.   I started that project on Friday and ironed for 2 days.  Here are before and after pictures of the amount of fabric that have been washed and ironed.


This is my ironing board – I love it.  I no longer have to lean over to iron.   The fabrics are ready to be put back in place for future use.  Our Studio is about 800 square feet and my two rooms are 14′ x 16′ and this room is 14′ x 19′.  I am so blessed to have this wonderful space to quilt in.  I have another room in the house where I have shelves for   more fabric and all of my batting and knitting yarn.  Now to just live to be 100 and have all my quilts made!  LOL

My goals for the next two weeks are to have all the new fabrics washed and ironed, Xmas Heart quilted, Nesting Block 2 completed, and 4 blocks for Ms Potts ready for applique.   I know that I will be able to machine stitch so I will cut out some more Dresden Plates and prepare one more quilt for stitching.   I think rotary cutting will be limited for a while.  Now the room is clean and the cutting table is ready for new “catch up” work.

Clay and I would like to thank all the Veterans for their Service to our Country, those who lost their lives serving and to those families who have been left behind.  We so enjoyed the PBS Memorial Concert last night.  When all the UFRs are completed this summer I would love to travel to Louisiana to the WWII Museum.  We were born during WWII and lived through the Korean, Vietnam, the beginning of Terrorism, The Gulf War, 911, and the current wars.  We owe a great deal to those who served voluntarily, or during the time when we had the Draft.  Before the concert we watched the movie The Shack.  It was such a moving and inspirational movie. It is based on the book The Shack and the movie is powerful and a must see for those seeking peace and tranquility in their lives.

God Bless America and the President of the United States of America!  Have a great day with family and friends and be thankful for your gift from God, namely your Life.

20 Replies to “Moving Along and Time to Reflect the Past”

  1. You have a nice set up with your cutting and ironing stations. I don’t normally press the fabric after washing. I fold as neatly as I can and press as I need a piece. Sometimes, though, ironing after washing is necessary depending on how wrinkled things are in the end.
    I spy a flag quilt with angels on your wall. Nice. And a couple other prim pieces.


    1. YesI made that Angel Quilt after 911. It was one of the first applique quilts I had ever made – Would love to make it over in different fabric! I try to wash the Fat Qtrs by hand and air dry them, but there are still strings that have to be cut off. I thought I might wash some more, but when I went to look at how much was left to wash – I gave that thought up for awhile! LOL
      Have a great day!


    1. The movie had so many messages from the Bible set in a modern day setting. I was blessed to have had a Mother who played the organ and piano every Sunday while I was growing up so I was always going to church. Gives one a wonderful foundation, but then God gives us free will and sometimes we want control! I am sure everyone experiences that one.


  2. good luck on your surgeries for your hands and hope recovery goes smoothly. Yes Sue Garmen left us with so many beautiful wonderful patterns I keep reminding myself that I must go to the pattern site and order one or two before they are gone – maybe her family will keep them in circulation – one can hope.


  3. Sure hope your surgery goes well, and Clay’s knee heals quickly. Changes off plans happen, and it sounds like you’re rollling with the punches. I’ve had a disappointing delay recently myself, so I can totally sympathize.

    Your sewing room looks so inviting!


    1. Well….I cannot say that I always roll with the punches. I have the pity party and then I try to become Scarlett O’Hara – worry about it tomorrow. LOL the thumb is hurting now so I am glad that it will be fixed soon.

      We spend most every day here in our play room. We are truly blessed. We have our morning coffee here. Clay is a Ham Radio operator so he talks to the guys and I just play!


  4. I had that surgery done on my right index finger and was stitching by hand the NEXt Day!!! I wished I did it years before. May yours go as well.


    1. If he can fix the thumb that will be great and this will be the 2nd time for CTS surgery on both hands. Did not hold welll from the surgery 20 years ago. CTS runs in my family – most all of the women had the surgery and grandfather had Ulner nerve – gee genetics are great as he gave that one to me too! LOL


  5. Oh no! So sorry to hear of the trigger thumb and hope both surgeries and outlooks are good. I’m drooling over your nice clean sewing area!


    1. Well, I wonder if I will ever get over being the Type A and having a place for everything. When I worked my desk was always overflowing with contracts and paperwork and everyone probably thought I was not an organized person. Heck I knew where everything was…. but at home it is different. I will be glad to get this thumb fixed, it is locking up on me in the mornings – not a good feeling. Thx for commenting and have a great week-end.


  6. May all of the medical needs be cared for and full recoveries accomplished!

    Is it all right to be jealous over your studio space? Ha, ha!

    I admire Sue Garman as well, and I’ve always loved that Twirly Balls design! I don’t think there is a design of her’s that I don’t like.

    You’ve done a lot of washing! Phew! Not my favorite thing to do! But it is nice to have the prep work done, so you can have some fun!


  7. Clay skated! If the tear gets worse they can fix it! I am counting the days to get my hand fixed! It is OK to be jealous – We spend our days in our Studio working on our hobbies! Hubby always finds something to make or work on. I still have more to wash, but will probably wait until next week and work on them for a couple of days. Have a great week-end.

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