Trailer For Sale – 21 May 2014

Well, we all get to the point where even though our minds tell us we can still do anything, but our bodies think differently. Clay and I have reached that time now where we must remember we are no longer 60 or 70 (actually hard to believe). I am the type of person that tends to experience premonitions about things and sometimes I listen and sometimes I don’t. This little story just goes to show that we all need to listen to the inner voice advising us.

The heat in South Texas is now unbearable if one is over the age of 75. We had an extremely mild winter and were lucky that the high temperatures have not hit until now. I have had to use the indoor bike for the last 2 summers due to excessive heat and looks like Number 3 is here. Eczema is driving me mad and now I cannot do my outdoor walk, but it is what it is. So be it.

As I told all in my last post we were headed for Rockport for a week stay and had that wonderful spot at the Blue Lagoon. Well, yesterday Clay hooked up The Duck and then washed it and the Navigator. Now Clay is 80 years old and the temperature was well into the 90’s. Need I say more? He experienced extreme Heat Exhaustion (blessed it was not a Heat Stroke). I am so glad that I went outside to where he was working when I did, because it would have been a disaster if I had not.

He survived, is doing fine, and before he could say it, I did! The Duck is for sale, and we are not going to the Coast this summer!!! After he had recouped from the heat incident, he told me that when he was cleaning the trailer roof he knew that we needed to do that.

The Duck was purchased it in August 2023 and it has never been used! Clay worked so hard when we brought The Duck home to make it better than Heartland (the manufacturer) ever could! Someone out there will have a need for a trailer like this and will have a ready made little getaway on wheels. From now on Hotels will have to suffice for traveling and I will just forget about my eating issues and suffer the consequences!

Giving up things we enjoy and love doing is very difficult. BUT Clay is fine and he means more to me than a travel trailer. For now I am just an itching idiot and that is fine with me as someday it will settle down. The alternative would have been to have had a disaster while in Rockport, or for that matter we could be really sick!

So this is not a Pity Party Post (PPP), it is just two people (79 and 80) who are realizing their limitations before a catastrophic accident occurs. Summer time in Texas is just not for Octogenarians.

I will continue to enjoy the Studio for my hobbies and Clay will enjoy being out of the house finding things to do indoors until Fall and Winter (if we ever have one again). He loves music and plays the guitar, leather work, and used to do Native American jewelry, so boredom won’t live here. Maybe we will get a puzzle and act like old people should! You never know.

PS – Clay and I both will always be young our minds even if we cannot do some of the things we used to do!

Have a wonderful nice long holiday (Memorial Day) week-end but be careful in the heat.



© Nanette Chopin Cook at 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nanette Chopin Cook and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Linking To:  My Quilt InfatuationConfessions of a Fabric AddictFinished or Not Friday ; Em’s Scrap BagBOM’s Away;  Sew Fresh Quilts; Crazy Mom Quilts;  Oh ScrapScrap Happy SaturdaySlow Sunday Stitching  Quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers; Peacock PartyDesign Wall Monday, Scrap Happy DaysQuilting Patch Linky Party, To Do Tuesdays

16 Replies to “Trailer For Sale – 21 May 2014”

  1. Oh Nanette I am so sorry. I am very glad he is OK and that you checked on him when you did! So you felt this was a warning that the Duck would just be too much upkeep? I get it! When my husband washes our Honda pickup (not even as big as the pickups we’ve had in the past), he is exhausted the rest of the day. I can’t get him to take it to a car wash. So an RV would be like 10 times that amount of work!

    Have you thought about VRBO, just finding a house to stay in, instead of a hotel? Sometimes you can find them for 2-4 people, and the cost isn’t horrendous. I bet Rockport has a few – maybe you could find a decent price on one. We stayed in a beach house in Rockport, way back in the 1980s, and it was quite nice. I know you will come up with a way to have your getaways!

    Do you have a Facebook account? Marketplace has been a great place for us to sell things, and we see everything on there, including cars and houses. I’ll pray that you sell it soon!


    1. Yes the upkeep and hooking up and hot summers. If we go to Rockport in the winter we will stay at the Light House. If we go to Durant we will stay in one of their hotels and I will eat whatever and get over it when I get home! LOL

      I do not do FB but I did established an account and played with the Market Place and the next day I deleted all. Too risky in this area – with all the illegals and dope heads.

      But thx for all the good suggestions. Clay is doing fine and he along with me will have to spend our time indoors. We are so thankful that we built the Studio in 1999 and then added on in 2009. We would be nuts if we had to stay in the house all the time.



      1. Oof that’s right, I don’t blame you on Marketplace with all the illegal traffic, plus the fact you are a bit more isolated. Well good luck, the right person will come along!


    1. Thank you Andrea. Clay is fine, just like me having to change outdoor activities. We are now in the middle of a horrible heat wave. 100’s and over 110 heat index. No outside for me! I just know someone will buy it. It is a great deal because Clay fixed all the problems that Mallard left to mess up and we added all the extra’s that cost so much that most people do not realize when they purchase a Travel Trailer or a 5th Wheel, probably even a motor home.

      Have a great Memorial Day and great week. Hugs

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m very glad Clay has not suffered any ill effect from the heat! Maybe next winter you guys can go somewhere for several weeks just to get out of the house. I hope the trailer sells fast, happy stitching!


    1. I was so worried. Heat exhaustion affects the heart rate and his was up. At least I forgot I had eczema for 8 hours. LOL. We will be heading to Durant for the first trip IF it is cooler in October! I would love to be there for my 80th birthday! (Cannot believe I am going to be that old). We both do not feel or act our age and that is what gets us in trouble.

      Have a great Memorial Day and enjoy quilting! Hugs


    1. Thank you Laura. Yes we as humans thing we are invincible don’t we sometimes. We ordered 2 puzzles to work together with and he has other indoor hobbies and of course you know I do. Have a great Memorable Day and good stitching week.! Hugs


    1. Well, it will hit the paper Wednesday. There are no other travel trailers in the paper at this time. It is also on line. Hope to recoup most of it. There is no hurry to sell and it is free and clear. Hugs

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so sorry Clay had that episode and so glad you listened to that “voice” that had you check up on him. We, too, know the reality of high heat here in southern California. And I suffer from it. When it gets past 94, I have heat exhaustion. Really can’t stand the heat. Thankfully, we have mini-splits that do a great job of keeping the temp even in our house.



  4. I also cannot take the heat, but when I do my walk I have to take a shower. Now that we are in the 100’s plus I am doing the bike and it is helping this stupid eczema to settle down. We have 2 mini splits and a 4 ton unit. We love the Mini’s. In our Studio we have window units. Think they will be replaced when they die with mini’s. They are great and cost efficient. I was hoping we would not be in the 100’s and 115 today as heat index until July and August but those days are over with for awhile. I fully anticipate that we will have about 3 or 4 hurricanes and that the Gulf will be the main target. Probably South Padre Island will get it or poor Houston or Louisiana. Take care and keep cool. Hugs


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