Slow Sunday Stitching – 19 May 2024 – Post 711

Greetings from “summertime in LV”. Warm, but not unbearable. I have been working on my hand projects the last week. So here is where I am in all 3 (I started knitting again even though the thumb may not be happy that is too bad!)

Glory is coming along even with having to take some stitches out and re-doing, but ripping appears to be my forte’.

Next if you remember the Moda Christmas SAL I am working on Block 9 – think there are 14.

And of course now I am working back into knitting with a dishcloth. As usual, I had to start this one over once, there is a problem with one stitch but I am letting it go. I plan on re-joining our local group on Thursdays this coming week. Should be great socializing.

Here is an update on my last Churn Dash Quilt. This is not the final setting. I am doing 4 blocks at a time. No idea how it will go together. I am enjoying “trying” to do Scrappy Borders on each block!

I am doing better with the Eczema – think that I have a handle on it. Do not wish this on anyone as mine has been brought on by Stress. To me Stress is just what life dishes out to me and how I handle it.

And President Trump is just like the Energizer Bunny – he just keeps on keeping on!

Have a great week. Enjoy your hobbies!



© Nanette Chopin Cook at 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nanette Chopin Cook and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Linking To:  My Quilt InfatuationConfessions of a Fabric AddictFinished or Not Friday ; Em’s Scrap BagBOM’s Away;  Sew Fresh Quilts; Crazy Mom Quilts;  Oh ScrapScrap Happy SaturdaySlow Sunday Stitching  Quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers; Peacock PartyDesign Wall Monday, Scrap Happy DaysQuilting Patch Linky Party, To Do Tuesdays

6 Replies to “Slow Sunday Stitching – 19 May 2024 – Post 711”

  1. Wow, you’ve got 4 different fiber projects going on here, Nanette! It would be difficult for me to choose which one of them to work on–they all look like fun!


  2. Glad your eczema is better! Hope you enjoy your group. I’ve thought about joining a local quilt group, but I don’t like to commit to anything anymore – lol! Churn dash is looking great.


  3. Love to read about these various hand work projects of yours. I have a similar variety at present. Eczema can be a trial for sure. Glad yours is under control. Happy Stitching!


  4. Hi Nanette. It’s good to read your eczema is getting better. Stress does cause an interesting variety of issues for different people. I love seeing your progress on your varied projects. Churn Dash is lovely. It’s my favourite block. Thank you for linking with ToDo Tuesday. Hope you enjoyed your group this week and managed more progress on each of your projects.


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