A Few Finishes!

I have finished 15 more Mini Dresden’s from the pattern Dresden Heaven .  Out of the 105 Mini Dresden’s that I need to make for this quilt I have completed a total of 62.  I think I must have been in la la Land to think I could make 43 more of the puppies by the end of this week!  Of course I did not count on my sacroiliac joint going bonkers on me so now I am doing stretches as much as I can and lay off the walking until (maybe) next week.  At least today (almost one month to the day) my cough is getting less and less.  I am sure that the Cedar is off the charts but not taking a chance by breathing any outside air in!

Here are the latest plates I have finished.  I tried to get the colors more true but the iPhone camera has a mind of its own, so this is the best I can do for now.

15 More Mini Dresden’s

I think it is time for me go find my comfy chair and do some hand work – and this time I mean it!  I have developed a bad habit of not even touching my applique, knitting, or embroidery projects after supper!  This must change.

Have a great week-end and I am hoping that things will turn around for the remainder of 2018!!!

17 Replies to “A Few Finishes!”

  1. Each bit you do gets you closer to your goals. Not a race to be won. I hope you soon feel top of the line and roaring to go.


  2. Good Morning,
    I thought you were in la la land when you said you needed 105 Dresden’s- HAHAHAHA! JK! These are turning out so nicely – you are making me want to make some of these – not 105 though. heehee I am glad your cough is getting better, too. I’ve had one since 12/22 that I are quite sure I have driven every single person I know nuts with, starting with me. Keep stretching and enjoy those hand crafts! ~smile~ Roseanne


    1. Me thinks I am la la land also! Only ONLY 43 more to go, but thinking about taking a break and doing some hand work today. They are fun to make as soon as one gets a process going! I did some research last night on the Flu – I had Type A which is the H3N2 Flu – the one that is so bad and really causing problems. Evidently I will have this cough for awhile. It is maddening. I just eat cough drops like candy to keep it calm. Talking does not help either. It has been a month today when I got sick. You hang in there – you might quit coughing by February (horrible thought) I am having success with the stretches, and no walking for a few more days. Thank you for commenting and la la land would really be here if I had done On Ring Lake Mystery with Bonnie Hunter – I would have been in the nut house for sure! Take care and get well.

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    1. WELL, good name for all of my “extenuating circumstances”!!!! This is one day that I woke up and felt like me again. Think I will live now. BUT Have decided that my 2018 starts 1 Feb 2018 – I am taking January to find my brain and decide in this years projects – sound good? Have a great week. Thx for commenting Susan.


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